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Writing and sending Proper Notification
    The DMCA provides a legal procedure by which you can request any Online Service Provider to disable access to a website where your copyrighted work(s) are appearing without your permission. The legal procedure consists of two parts:
  • Writing a Proper DMCA Notice
  • Sending the Proper DMCA Notice to MyselfBBS.

  • To write a Proper DMCA Notice, state the following information:  
  • Identify yourself as an owner of copyrighted work or exclusive rights that you believe were infringed, or a person acting on behalf of such owner, and provide a physical signature (when it is in paper form) or electronic signature (when it is in electronic form).
  • Identify the copyrighted work(s) that you believe is/are being infringed.
  • Identify the material(s) that allegedly are infringing your copyrighted work, by providing Web URL(s) on MyselfBBS that contain these material(s).
  • State your contact information, including your name, street address, phone number, and email address. If you are acting on behalf of the copyright owner please also describe your affiliation with the copyright holder (e.g attorney, vendor, agent).
  • State that you have "a good faith belief that use of the aforementioned material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law."
  • State that the information in the notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is believed infringed.
  • To exercise your DMCA rights, your Proper DMCA Notice must be sent to myselfbbs@gmail.com

  • Notice and takedown procedure  
  • MyselfBBS will follow the procedures provided in the DCMA to properly enforce rights of copyright holders. When a Proper DMCA notification is received by us, it will remove as soon as possible. You don't need to wait confirmation from us about this action.
    • 聯絡我們|常見問題|DMCA|2257|無法驗證帳號|

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